To Apply to Santa Clara High School Online, Click Here: SCHS Online Application
To Download and Print an Application, Click Here: SCHS Printable Application
For more admissions information please contact the Main Office, Mr. Luna, Office Manager [email protected]or or Mr. Guzman, Principal at (805) 483-9502 Ext. 100 or [email protected]
To Download and Print an Application, Click Here: SCHS Printable Application
For more admissions information please contact the Main Office, Mr. Luna, Office Manager [email protected]or or Mr. Guzman, Principal at (805) 483-9502 Ext. 100 or [email protected]
Frequently asked questions
1. Q. What grades do I need to have in order to meet SCHS’s entrance requirements?
A. You should have earned primarily A’s and B’s in the seventh and eighth grades; occasional C’s are acceptable. You should not have any D’s or F’s (unless you have a legitimate explanation).
2. Q. What standardized test scores do I need to have to qualify for SCHS?
A. Your standardized test scores for seventh and eighth grade (Iowa tests, for example) should be as follows:
Under Score Type, the N/PR-S (national percentile/stanine) of Total Reading, Total Math, and Total Language should be 50-5 or above.
3. Q. How important is good attendance?
A. Good attendance is extremely important at SCHS. Yearly tardies and absences (for seventh and eighth grades) should not exceed 5 each.
4. Q. How important is good conduct?
A. Good conduct/citizenship/behavior is also extremely important at SCHS. Your conduct/behavior grades should be excellent/satisfactory or A’s and B’s for grades seventh and eighth in all subject areas.
5. Q. If my family attended SCHS, does that mean I’m automatically accepted?
A. No, it does not mean you are automatically accepted; we need to look at your records first.
6. Q. Would I need to attend SCHS’s summer school?
A. You would be required to take certain classes in summer school if your scores/grades indicated that you needed a refresher/review class in some subjects (math, English, reading, or study skills); in other situations, you might be required to take a summer school class to prove that you are able to have excellent attendance and/or conduct.
7. Q. If I’m already taking a full-year course in Algebra I or Geometry, how am I placed in the appropriate math class for the ninth grade?
A. After you are accepted, you may register for a competency test to be held in May. If you are currently completing a full high-school level Algebra I course, the competency exam will test your mastery of Algebra; if you are currently completing a full high-school level course in Geometry, the competency exam will test your mastery of Geometry. Your score on this test, coupled with your math grades and math standardized test scores, will help us place you in the appropriate high school class.
8. Q. Do I have to be Catholic in order to be accepted to SCHS?
A. No, you do not need to be Catholic to be accepted. SCHS has many Catholic students but accepts students of all faiths. Please note that all students are required to take a yearly Theology course as a part of their course work.
9. Q. Does SCHS require parent service hours?
A. Yes, SCHS does require parent service hours.
10. Q. Once I’m accepted, do my June grades make any difference?
A. Yes, we ask the elementary schools to send us copies of your June grades. If your grades have gone down significantly, we may rescind your acceptance or require you to register for summer school for further evaluation.
11. Q. Is my acceptance negatively affected if I need tuition assistance? Is it affected positively if I do not need tuition assistance?
A. SCHS is a “need-blind” school – your need for financial assistance has no bearing whatsoever on your acceptance, as long as your financial obligations towards your present school are being met. The admissions committee is totally separate from the tuition assistance committee; in fact, the tuition assistance committee does not meet to consider awards until after acceptance letters have been mailed.
12. Q. Are there any merit-based awards offered?
A. Yes, we have a renewable merit award program. Incoming ninth graders are selected on the basis of their grades, standardized test scores, recommendations, attendance, and citizenship. To be considered for a merit award, the incoming ninth grade applicant must have (for seventh and eighth grades), an “A-“ grade average, “A’s” in effort and behavior, close to zero tardies or absences, and outstanding recommendations. The award is renewable each year that the student maintains at least a 3.85 GPA and excellent citizenship.
13. Q. How are students placed in Honors classes?
A. Although SCHS has a fluid Honors/AP program, where all students may apply for Honors and Advanced Placement classes even if they have not been enrolled in Honors/AP classes previously, placement in ninth grade honors classes is handled differently by a small committee, which examines the ninth grade applicants’ files and places students in appropriate ninth grade Honors classes.
14. Q. Does SCHS have dances?
A. Yes. There are several dances scheduled throughout the year. We also have Prom.
A. You should have earned primarily A’s and B’s in the seventh and eighth grades; occasional C’s are acceptable. You should not have any D’s or F’s (unless you have a legitimate explanation).
2. Q. What standardized test scores do I need to have to qualify for SCHS?
A. Your standardized test scores for seventh and eighth grade (Iowa tests, for example) should be as follows:
Under Score Type, the N/PR-S (national percentile/stanine) of Total Reading, Total Math, and Total Language should be 50-5 or above.
3. Q. How important is good attendance?
A. Good attendance is extremely important at SCHS. Yearly tardies and absences (for seventh and eighth grades) should not exceed 5 each.
4. Q. How important is good conduct?
A. Good conduct/citizenship/behavior is also extremely important at SCHS. Your conduct/behavior grades should be excellent/satisfactory or A’s and B’s for grades seventh and eighth in all subject areas.
5. Q. If my family attended SCHS, does that mean I’m automatically accepted?
A. No, it does not mean you are automatically accepted; we need to look at your records first.
6. Q. Would I need to attend SCHS’s summer school?
A. You would be required to take certain classes in summer school if your scores/grades indicated that you needed a refresher/review class in some subjects (math, English, reading, or study skills); in other situations, you might be required to take a summer school class to prove that you are able to have excellent attendance and/or conduct.
7. Q. If I’m already taking a full-year course in Algebra I or Geometry, how am I placed in the appropriate math class for the ninth grade?
A. After you are accepted, you may register for a competency test to be held in May. If you are currently completing a full high-school level Algebra I course, the competency exam will test your mastery of Algebra; if you are currently completing a full high-school level course in Geometry, the competency exam will test your mastery of Geometry. Your score on this test, coupled with your math grades and math standardized test scores, will help us place you in the appropriate high school class.
8. Q. Do I have to be Catholic in order to be accepted to SCHS?
A. No, you do not need to be Catholic to be accepted. SCHS has many Catholic students but accepts students of all faiths. Please note that all students are required to take a yearly Theology course as a part of their course work.
9. Q. Does SCHS require parent service hours?
A. Yes, SCHS does require parent service hours.
10. Q. Once I’m accepted, do my June grades make any difference?
A. Yes, we ask the elementary schools to send us copies of your June grades. If your grades have gone down significantly, we may rescind your acceptance or require you to register for summer school for further evaluation.
11. Q. Is my acceptance negatively affected if I need tuition assistance? Is it affected positively if I do not need tuition assistance?
A. SCHS is a “need-blind” school – your need for financial assistance has no bearing whatsoever on your acceptance, as long as your financial obligations towards your present school are being met. The admissions committee is totally separate from the tuition assistance committee; in fact, the tuition assistance committee does not meet to consider awards until after acceptance letters have been mailed.
12. Q. Are there any merit-based awards offered?
A. Yes, we have a renewable merit award program. Incoming ninth graders are selected on the basis of their grades, standardized test scores, recommendations, attendance, and citizenship. To be considered for a merit award, the incoming ninth grade applicant must have (for seventh and eighth grades), an “A-“ grade average, “A’s” in effort and behavior, close to zero tardies or absences, and outstanding recommendations. The award is renewable each year that the student maintains at least a 3.85 GPA and excellent citizenship.
13. Q. How are students placed in Honors classes?
A. Although SCHS has a fluid Honors/AP program, where all students may apply for Honors and Advanced Placement classes even if they have not been enrolled in Honors/AP classes previously, placement in ninth grade honors classes is handled differently by a small committee, which examines the ninth grade applicants’ files and places students in appropriate ninth grade Honors classes.
14. Q. Does SCHS have dances?
A. Yes. There are several dances scheduled throughout the year. We also have Prom.
To Apply to Santa Clara High School Online, Click Here: SCHS Online Application
To Download and Print an Application, Click Here: SCHS Printable Application
For more admissions information please contact the Main Office, Mr. Luna, Office Manager [email protected]or or Mr. Guzman, Principal at (805) 483-9502 Ext. 100 or [email protected]
To Download and Print an Application, Click Here: SCHS Printable Application
For more admissions information please contact the Main Office, Mr. Luna, Office Manager [email protected]or or Mr. Guzman, Principal at (805) 483-9502 Ext. 100 or [email protected]