Parent Participation at Santa Clara

Parent Involvement has always been a cornerstone at Santa Clara, and is vital to the success of the school community. The shared sense of joint responsibility among parents, teachers, administrators, and staff forms the basis of our FAITH community. The Santa Clara Experience is not exclusive to our students. As active members of our school FAMILY, parents join us in the journey. As partners, we keep the Santa Clara High School TRADITION vibrant in the community. Parent Involvement is truly about living the core values of Faith, Family, and Tradition.
In addition to the Parent Participation Requirements, we encourage all parents to participate and become active members of the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). Read more about the Santa Clara High School PTO here.
Parent Participation Requirements:
Parent Service Hours: Each family is required to serve hours of service based on their tuition plan. Click the button below for more information.
Parent Fundraising Commitment: Each family is required to meet fundraising commitment based on tuition plan. Click the button below for more information.
In addition to the Parent Participation Requirements, we encourage all parents to participate and become active members of the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). Read more about the Santa Clara High School PTO here.
Parent Participation Requirements:
Parent Service Hours: Each family is required to serve hours of service based on their tuition plan. Click the button below for more information.
Parent Fundraising Commitment: Each family is required to meet fundraising commitment based on tuition plan. Click the button below for more information.